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Top drive Accessories


Top Drive:

 It is a hydraulic or electric motor, which is installed as a separate device in the drilling rig and moves the drill string and Bits the drill. Upper handling systems entered the drilling industry in 1982 and replaced the Kelly. Drilling systems equipped with an upper handler make drilling operations much faster by accelerating the process of lifting equipment from the well and transferring it to the rig surface. The various advantages of Top drives in drilling operations include: increasing the control power of oil and gas wells, preventing drilling pipes from getting stuck, reducing the opening and closing time of pipes, the ability to fully rotate the upper pipes, and accelerating operations. Drilling and ultimately increased drilling efficiency noted.

The most widely used top drives in Iran include TDS made by the American company NOV and BPM China. This machine has many accessories that must be replaced during drilling, including Wash pipe, Wash pipe barrel, S-PIPE, electrical appliances, compressors, etc.